Wheelsberry是适合汽车租赁服务的WordPress主题。它设计在登陆页面风格中,并允许客户快速获取所有必要的信息,选择汽车,并进行预订。Wheelsberry提供汽车,办公室(汽车租赁站位置)和额外的租金选择(如GPS导航,婴儿座椅等)数据库。漂亮的汽车滑块将帮助客户选择汽车和清洁预订表格将让我们在片刻预订。服务,关于,谷歌地图上显示的位置(显示在Google地图上),页面上的联系人和其他有用的内容块由流行的页面构建器 – Visual Composer管理,包括在主题中。
Wheelsberry v1.2.8 – Car Rental WordPress Theme / Landing Page
Wheelsberry is a WordPress theme suitable for car rental services. It’s designed in a landing page style and allows customers to get quickly all necessary information, choose a car, and make a booking. Wheelsberry provides Cars, Offices (car rental station locations), and extra rent options (like GPS navigator, baby seat, etc.) database. Beautiful cars slider will help customers to choose a car and clean booking form will let to book it in a moment. Services, About, Reviews, Locations (displayed on Google maps), Contacts and other useful content blocks on the page are managed by popular page builder – Visual Composer, which is included into the Theme.